Paralyzed Veterans of America offers our friends and supporters a variety of ways to consider planning their gifts. By choosing the right gift, you can benefit America's paralyzed veterans and fulfill your own long-term financial goals. When you plan your gifts, you are eligible to join our Legacy Circle.




Companies all across America recognize the value of their employees' donations to Paralyzed Veterans of America and offer matching gift programs to further increase the value of their donations.

How to give a Matching Gift

The majority of companies offer online donations through their company websites. Submit a matching gift verification request through your company’s online portal. Or mail your matching gifts and/or forms to:

Paralyzed Veterans of America

Attn: IG Matching Gift Coordinator
1875 I St NW Suite 1100
Matching Gift Coordinator
Washington, DC 20006

Email Matching Gift Forms to:

Chartered by the United States Congress, Paralyzed Veterans of America is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Tax ID Number (TIN) is 13-1946868.



There are many ways you can donate to Paralyzed Veterans of America.


Through a simple provision in your will you may make a gift to Paralyzed Veterans of America. This is the easiest and most common type of planned gift. Making a bequest is an excellent choice if you want to maintain control of your assets during your lifetime and support Paralyzed Veterans of America in the future.

We can work with you and your advisors to craft specific bequest language that accurately reflects your gift intentions.

Sample Language

I give, devise and bequeath to the Paralyzed Veterans of America, chartered by the U.S. Congress and located in Washington, D.C. the sum of _________________ dollars or ____% of the Residue of my estate. (or otherwise describe the gift).

If you do not have an attorney, please call your local American Bar Association. Also, PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America and over 600 other charities have partnered with FreeWill to enable our donors to create their own estate plans. Without obligation, please visit:

If you’d like to speak with a member of our staff, please contact us at (800) 424-8200, ext. 7789. We are also happy to work with your attorney.

Office of Individual Giving
Attn: David Fanning, Senior Director - IG
1875 I St NW Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006

Telephone: 800-424-8200, ext. 7789 Direct: 202-416-7789


Chartered by the United States Congress, Paralyzed Veterans of America is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Tax ID Number (TIN) is 13-1946868. Additional information can be found here.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust (Charitable Remainder Unitrust) may serve as an effective solution amid inflation risks since the trust is revalued annually and may provide increased income in later years.

This technique offers these benefits:

  • Annual income for life
  • Immediate charitable contribution deduction
  • Removal of asset from estate
  • Ability to avoid capital gains tax and reduce tax liability
  • Ability to select the Trustee and offer investment management guidelines
  • Potential inflation fighter since trust growth beyond payout can provide increased income in later years

Similar to a charitable gift annuity, the charitable deduction is dependent upon the age of the beneficiary. If you’d like to speak with a member of our staff, please contact us at (800) 424-8200, ext. 7789. We are also happy to work with your attorney or financial planner.

Revocable Living Trust

A living trust, also known as a revocable living trust or a family trust, is a legal document that holds title or ownership to your real property and assets. When you create a revocable living trust, you transfer ownership of your assets to the trust. Transferring assets is typically called "funding." When you transfer title you DO NOT relinquish any control. You can still buy, sell, borrow or transfer.

To many, the living trust looks a lot like a will. It includes the details and instructions for how you want your estate to be handled at your death. Unlike a will, a properly funded trust:

  • Does not go through probate.
  • Prevents the courts from controlling your assets at incapacity.
  • Allows you to name beneficiaries including Paralyzed Veterans of America.

If you’d like to speak with a member of our staff, please contact us at (800) 424-8200, ext. 7789. We’re also happy to work with your attorney or financial planner.



Maximize your charitable deduction and deliver immediate benefits to Paralyzed Veterans of America.

Send a Check

Mail check (payable to Paralyzed Veterans of America) to:

Paralyzed Veterans of America

Office of Individual Giving

1875 Eye St NW, Suite 1100

Washington, DC 20006

Stock and Other Appreciated Assets

The IRS allows you one of its most significant tax breaks for gifts of appreciated securities.

To transfer stocks, bonds, mutual funds, physical certificates, or any other gifts that may require special instructions, please contact PVA’s Senior Director of Individual Giving - David Fanning, or (202) 416-7789.

Notify PVA of an expected gift of securities. Provide the following information:

• Name of the security

• Number of shares

• Name of the donor

You may provide this information by one of the following methods:

• Email:

• Phone: (202) 416-7789

• Mail:

Paralyzed Veterans of America

Attn: David Fanning, Senior Director - Individual Giving

1875 Eye St NW, Suite 1100

Washington, DC


Retirement Plans

The balance of your retirement plan may be worth more when donated. If you own a life insurance plan, you can name Paralyzed Veterans of America as the beneficiary of the policy.

Life Insurance

If you own a life insurance policy and you no longer need to protect your loved ones or business interests, you can name Paralyzed Veterans of America as the beneficiary of the policy.

A second option is transferring ownership of the policy to Paralyzed Veterans of America in your lifetime.

A third option is to purchase a new policy specifically for gifting. Life insurance rates have declined dramatically in recent years, and you may be surprised at the affordability of new insurance, even if you’re in your 60s or 70s. Benefits include:

  • Ability to make a large gift with little costs to you
  • Immediate tax deduction for the cash value of the policy if transferred in your lifetime
  • Current or future insurance premiums may be tax deductible

Life insurance can be a very cost-effective means to support PVA.


Paralyzed Veterans of America deeply appreciates donations of all types and sizes.  To express our gratitude to you for including PVA in your estate plan, we invite you to join the Legacy Circle. Members of this special group share your concern for our seriously injured heroes and believe in furthering PVA's mission to change lives and build brighter futures for all veterans.

Whether you choose to remember our nation’s paralyzed veterans with a bequest or one of the other deferred gift plans we offer, your commitment means a great deal to the future of Paralyzed Veterans of America.

If you would like to notify us of your decision, we will add your name to this roll of honor. Please contact PVA's Senior Director of Individual Giving -David Fanning at (202)416-7789 or

IRAs/Retirement Plans

There are several tax-efficient ways in which you can support PVA with a gift from your IRA or other retirement account:

Give a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from Your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 

For individuals age 70 1⁄2 or older, the IRA QCD is a tax-wise way to support PVA. When you send your QCD directly to PVA, the funds will not be subject to income taxation. If you are required to make annual withdrawals from your IRA, these distributions can satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).

What are the benefits?  

    • Transfer gifts from your IRA directly to PVA free of income tax
    • Can be applied toward your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
    • Beneficial for individuals who do not itemize deductions on their income tax
    • Withdrawals are not subject to annual charitable deduction limitations.

To initiate your transfer, contact your IRA administrator. Contributions can be mailed to:

Paralyzed Veterans of America

David Fanning, Senior Director, IG

1875 Eye Street, NW Suite 1100

Washington, DC 20006




You can simplify your charitable giving by establishing a donor-advised fund. This philanthropic vehicle enables you to qualify for an immediate tax deduction and then make grants from your fund, other PVA, and other charities whenever you wish.

There are two ways you can make a gift through your donor advised fund:

    • Support PVA now by recommending a grant to support our mission (our legal name: “Paralyzed Veterans of America”. Our Tax ID is 13-1946868)
    • Support PVA in the future by designating Paralyzed Veterans of America as the final beneficiary of all or a portion of the fund value upon the termination of the fund.

Please contact your fund administrator to request a grant recommendation or beneficiary designation form or download the appropriate form(s) from your administrator's website.

Thank You!

Chartered by the United States Congress, Paralyzed Veterans of America is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Tax ID Number (TIN) is 13-1946868.

Paralyzed Veterans of America

David Fanning, Senior Director

Office of Individual Giving

1875 Eye Street, NW

Suite 1100

Washington, DC 20006
