Paralyzed Veterans of America Responds to Senate Confirmation of Robert Wilkie as VA Secretary

Post Date: July 25, 2018
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Post Date:July 25, 2018

MEDIA CONTACT: Dana Kauffman

WASHINGTON, DC — Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) released the following statement today from its National President, David Zurfluh, in response to the confirmation of Robert Wilkie to serve as VA Secretary:
“Paralyzed Veterans of America is pleased with the confirmation of Robert Wilkie to serve as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. During the time he served as Acting Secretary, he showed effective leadership and provided needed stability to the Department. Of importance to PVA, Mr. Wilkie expressed strong support for VA’s SCI system of care during his nomination hearing, which is critical to the health and welfare of every PVA member. As VA undertakes implementation of a new community health care program, expansion of the comprehensive caregiver program, and appeals modernization, the need for quality leadership at the Department has never been higher. We look forward to working with Mr. Wilkie to ensure that veterans with catastrophic disabilities are able to access the health care, compensation, and other benefits that they have earned and deserve.”