What is #EverydayBattles?

People with disabilities face #EverydayBattles doing tasks that most people take for granted, like finding parking or boarding an airplane. PVA member Redzuan shared stories of the #EverydayBattles he faces as a wheelchair user, and challenges others to do the same! Do you relate to Redzuan's #EverydayBattles stories? If you have a disability, tell us about the #EverydayBattles you face by sharing your own video on social media. 

Want to support the fight for accessibility? Join PVA’s Action Force to help eliminate obstacles for paralyzed Veterans and all those living with disabilities. Stay up to date with Redzuan's journey on Instagram and YouTube.

Play the Game

Learn about the #EverydayBattles that paralyzed Veterans face by playing the Everyday Battles computer game. Can you jump all of the obstacles? 



Respond with Your Own #EverydayBattles Story:

Do you have a disability? Do you face battles in your daily life that you wish others knew about? Tell us about the #EverydayBattles you conquer by sharing your own video on social media:


Help Veterans fight their #EverydayBattles

PVA Action Force is a grassroots advocacy force that takes action on important issues and legislation affecting Veterans with spinal cord injury and disease and all people with disabilities. Join today to sign petitions, send letters to your Congressperson and more!