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Meet a member:

PVA member Marco

U.S. Army Veteran and Southeastern Chapter member Marco became a T5-T6 complete paraplegic from just below the chest after an automobile accident. Shortly after his injury, Marco met a PVA National Service Officer who helped him apply for benefits and grants to adapt his home and vehicle, giving him hope and empowering him to live an independent life. 
Marco is happily married with four children and is a mentor to others.


PVA's Research Foundation offers grants to support spinal cord injury disease (SCI/D) research and innovation. Since its inception in 1976, PVA has invested 644 grants for a total of $54,109,999.

Click the flyer below to learn more about our current grant cycle. Follow this link to learn more about PVA's Research Foundation.


PVA ADVOCates for SCI/D LTC CENTER in dallas

A view of a VA Medical Center Building.

The VA Spinal Cord Injury and Disease (SCI/D) system of care has 192 long-term care beds nationwide, with only 12 beds currently west of the Mississippi River. 

In response to this national shortage, PVA advocated for a new SCI/D long-term care Center at the North Texas VA Medical Center in Dallas. The project broke ground last November and will be completed in late 2026, significantly improving the VA’s ability to meet the long-term care needs of Veterans with SCI/D. 

PVA helps plan accessible architecture across the country, from hospitals, to sports stadiums, to individual homes. Learn more about PVA architecture and design program.


PVA gifts mobility to Georgia Hospital (

PVA's Southeast Chapter donated 10 wheelchairs to the East Central Regional Hospital.

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Paralyzed Veterans of America, 1875 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20006

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